The Value of Cybersecurity in Companies


We live in a world where information is power, and business operations largely take place in the digital realm. In this context, cybersecurity has become an imperative need for projects and companies of all sizes. It’s not just about protecting computers and networks but safeguarding assets that, while intangible, are of vital importance. We’re talking about your reputation, trust, and most importantly, the continuity of your business.

Today, we explore the key role of cybersecurity in companies, starting from its concept, the types of cybersecurity, and the added value it offers to organizations, ending with important recommendations for creating a strong and effective cybersecurity culture within companies. Ready?

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity, or information security, encompasses the measures and actions dedicated to protecting information, systems, and networks within an organization or project. The purpose of information security is to prevent unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction by internal or external agents of the organization.

In simple terms, cybersecurity is the digital barrier that protects companies from increasingly sophisticated and frequent cyber threats. According to data from Security Magazine, in 2023, there were 2000 cyberattacks daily, approximately 1 every 39 seconds.

Cybersecurity is an activity present in the digital lives of individuals and companies. However, in the latter, it is much more extensive as it is dedicated to protecting the digital infrastructure (servers, networks, databases, sensitive information…) of companies. For this, you need to establish a series of protocols, action plans, and countermeasures for different scenarios.

Types of Cybersecurity

Broadly speaking, we can divide cybersecurity into two types: physical and logical cybersecurity. What distinguishes each is the objects they are dedicated to protecting. Let’s look at this in more detail.

Physical Cybersecurity

Physical cybersecurity corresponds to the protection of physical devices such as computers, servers, routers, and other equipment. It also focuses on the security of the facilities where these devices are installed. Physical cybersecurity includes measures such as:

  • Physical access control
  • Surveillance cameras
  • Alarms
  • Intrusion detection systems

Without a good physical cybersecurity system, overall cybersecurity efforts will be critically compromised. For example, suppose an attacker managed to access the server room. In this scenario, the person could gain unauthorized access to systems, extract or manipulate data, or introduce malware directly.

Therefore, measures like those mentioned above are very important to prevent such intrusions and their consequences.

Logical Cybersecurity

On the other hand, logical cybersecurity deals with the software side. It protects companies’ computer systems, networks, and digital data. Thus, it implements measures such as:

  • Antivirus systems
  • Firewalls
  • Encryption software
  • Identity and access management
  • Network monitoring

The primary goal of logical cybersecurity is to offer guidance and assistance in data management according to business requirements and cybersecurity standards. Logical security controls represent business objectives and a commitment to information protection.

The Added Value of Cybersecurity in Companies

It is important to note that cybersecurity represents a smart investment of money. After all, it brings invaluable value to companies by keeping their data safe from theft and manipulation attempts and preventing their systems from being compromised by some type of malware.

This applies to businesses of all sizes, including small ones. Although it may seem like they don’t need an advanced digital security system, the truth is they are just as vulnerable as larger organizations. Moreover, according to data from Terranova Security, 60% of small businesses go bankrupt after suffering a cyberattack.

For all these reasons, cybersecurity is of immeasurable importance in avoiding various unpleasant scenarios for companies while bringing them much more beneficial and positive situations regarding their objectives:

  • Avoid Lawsuits: Data breaches and cyber threats can lead to costly lawsuits from affected clients or partners, severely damaging your company’s reputation.
  • Protect Customer Trust: Protecting customer data is crucial for your company to generate trust, credibility, and loyalty. Organizations demonstrating a commitment to cybersecurity inspire more confidence in their customers than those that do not.
  • Prevent Extortion: Ransomware attacks can have a devastating impact on your company and are best avoided. These are cyberattacks focused on stealing your information and demanding a ransom to release it. With a robust cybersecurity system, you will avoid this hassle.
  • Ensure Operational Security: Regardless of their size, all companies rely on computer systems to function. Cybersecurity protects these systems from interruptions, failures, and attacks, ensuring business continuity.

How to Create a Cybersecurity Culture in Companies?

Beyond the physical or digital systems you use to ensure your company’s security, it is important that the people in your organization recognize the importance of cybersecurity in their routine actions and understand the severity of even the smallest mistake.

So, how to create a strong cybersecurity culture in your organization? Here are some initial steps:

Complying with International Standards

Adopting international cybersecurity standards like ISO 27001 provides a solid framework for risk management and information protection.

ISO 27001 provides a framework for the application, management, and continuous improvement of an information security system. It is the most recognized international standard for security, including controls such as:

  • Controlled access
  • Physical security
  • Cryptography
  • Device control
  • Information classification
  • Backups

Raising Awareness Within Organizations

How will employees recognize the importance of cybersecurity if they don’t know what it is?

Raising awareness among people about cyber risks and how digital security can suppress them with good practices is crucial to preventing attacks caused by human errors.

Involving Leaders in the Process

When a company’s top executives recognize and highlight the value of digital security in their organizations, it is inevitable that their subordinates will also do so and replicate the message to their teams.

Therefore, it is important that team and department leaders also participate in training sessions on the topic and, like their employees, be vigilant in complying with the corresponding norms and protocols.

Continuous Training

Providing periodic and updated training to employees on the latest threats and security techniques allows them to be prepared to face any challenge.

For example, by offering routine training, your company’s members can quickly identify situations or attempts at social engineering. They will be much more rigorous with every request they receive to protect the integrity of the data systems.

Today’s companies require a solid digital security system. By investing in security measures and fostering a strong cybersecurity culture, companies can protect their most valuable assets, ensure business security, and build a solid foundation for future success.

In conclusion, cybersecurity is not an option but a necessity, and at Coderslab, we are committed to fulfilling it by establishing rigorous digital security protocols that translate into robust systems preventing any intrusion, malware, and unauthorized access to your files.

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